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All Animals
Great or Small!

We at Petsync will be your personal digital dog whisperers. 
We track, monitor, alert, Consult and Manage at anytime - anywhere in Realtime, virtually for your pet's needs. Let us be your Dr. Dolittle so you can relax and have fun with your pet while we shoulder their healthcare. 

Who we are?​

Passionate group of pet lovers determined to bring the best possible all round care and wellness to your pets through our Telemedicine connect and inbuilt workflows. Zero waiting time to connect with your Vet, no lines and queues.

Our Mission

Instantly connect your Vet to you so that the care and treatment for your pet can begin instantly.

Our Vision

To enable easy, digital connections between pet owners and their veterinarians for long term health and life of pets and joy of the owners. 

What Is Petsync

Petsync is a product aimed solely at recording, monitoring and protecting the health and well being of our furry, feathered or scaly friends. Pets form lasting and incredibly meaningful bonds with their pet-parents and any health risk to them affects them deeply on a personal level.

We at Petsync have created unique software that not just records or monitors your beloved pet’s health data but also ports it to a cloud server for storage and retrieval.

Keep track of diet, exercise, weight and other health data of your pets in one place for easy monitoring and retrieval. Modify bad behaviors and reward good ones for a great relationship with your pet pal.

Track and record any past and present medications that your pets are under with regards to allergies, vaccinations or other long term meds. 

Our customized menus and interface also have built in lists and easy to navigate menus pre-loaded with all “Paw-sible” illnesses, vaccinations, emergencies and general care that any pet requires. 


Consult at your convenience
small dog interacting with its owner playfully

Why Petsync

We at Petsync understand the special bond we form with our pets and even livestock. Hence our product is tailored towards providing complete and comprehensive care for your animal. We digitize your pet’s EHR and facilitate Tele-consults with your veterinarians.

We set up alerts and notifications for everything from weight, vitals and vaccinations to even grooming appointments so that your canine companion can look their best too. 


Complete care from vaccinations to health checkups at your fingertips


Be the proud owner of a well behaved and obedient dog.


Tackle emergencies with our handholding till you reach the Vet.

dog lying down near a lake

General Care 

Schedule and get alerts for regular de-worming so your four legged friend can eat healthy and stay active.

A man’s best friend needs regular checkups to update their health. Maintain, monitor and retrieve electronic health records for your pet pal at anytime.

Get to know when your little companion reaches adulthood and change his diet, activities and exercise accordingly.

Nothing causes as much irritation and long term health detriment as fleas and ticks, get your canine buddy checked out and free from pests.

Keep track of any and all current or past medications and allergies of your dog for future reference.

Check the diet and exercise status of your pet, modify their food intake and watch their weight based on a veterinarians opinion, for long term well being of your canine companion.

Emergency Care 

Consult with doctors for handholding in emergencies and get your canine companion immediate and effective care.

Use our analytics and scheduling features to preempt and treat infection such as Parvo, distemper, tick fever etc. which make your doggies tail droop.

Schedule and keep track of past and current surgeries, outcome and schedule operative care for your pawed friend at any time through our surgical consult features.

Save all x-rays, scans and other imaging of your dog for future reference thus creating a cloud based permanent record for your pet. Realtime porting and evaluation of images from scan center through our Pac server and dicom viewer.

Store, monitor and get interpretations for basic lab reports and save yourself the worry when your cherished pet is sick.

Set up and monitor all essential vaccinations for your dog via our customized interface and dashboard features including reminders.

Labrador sitting in grass

Our Paw-tastic Services!


Vitals &





Imaging /

Behavior Assessment





Pets Boarding

Being away from your pets due to work or travel can be very hard for pet parents and pets. We make sure to connect you to the best living facilities, kennels so that you can leave your pets behind with complete confidence  

Healthy Meals

Our pets need proper diets that include all necessary vitamins, proteins and minerals, while also being delicious so that they gobble it up. We plan the perfect diet for your pet.

Games & Activities

Our pets have a great need and tendency for playing. Dealing with their surplus energy, especially for young dogs and breeds that need a large amount of exercise can be vital for their health and mood. We help you plan activities and games that best suit the energy levels of your dogs so that they stay healthy and happy. 

Behavior & Training

Pets like all of us need structure and training from a young age, without it they run the risk of growing into uncontrollable, erratic adults. We offer you customized behavior and training tips based on the breed, age and energy levels of your pets.

Small dog being groomed by pet specialist

Our perfect companions never have fewer than four feet.



Doctors Subscription

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1 Month


Create and Manage practice

Create and Manage Pet Store

Create and Manage Pet Service




6 Months


Create and Manage practice

Create and Manage Pet Store

Create and Manage Pet Service

Priority listing



1 Year


Create and Manage practice

Create and Manage Pet Store

Create and Manage Pet Service

Priority listing


Questions? Look here

Yes with all its advantages of security, speed, 24/7 * 365 days availability, ease and control on documentation, automated updates on software.

Highest standards of security that ensures that all patient data is safe & secure. It adheres to all HIPPA compliance and law.

It is extremely user friendly and offers a delightful experience.

We offer medical reports and analysis including graphical representations.

Yes. You can create individual profiles for each of your pets and monitor/maintain them separately.

Yes. You can schedule Tele-consults with your vet and fix up in person appointments via that.

Yes. You can add any veterinarians who care for your pets and consult with each based on the need and their specialty.

None, except a handheld device connected to the internet.

Playful dog biting on its chew toy

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